Frans Zwols Pigeons
Pioneer Pigeons probably owns the best collection of Frans Zwols pigeons outside of John Gladwin and John Cowlins own lofts. At stock we have sons and daughters of all the Zwols Pigeons principle stock and race pigeons.
The race results of the Frans Zwols pigeons are simply outstanding. (See all results here) Here are just some of the highlights:

In 2016 John Gladwin and John Cowlin brought all of Frans pigeons, Frans still very much had his finger on the pulse and told them about a hen called Tesla which had just won 1st NPO and had already won 2nd NPO the year before, both with over 11,000 birds in the race along with a 5th 2,000 birds and other prizes, the other very important part was she was bred from a full brother of Tip Top Junior. So Zwols Pigeons Lofts added two children of this super hen to our Frans Zwols stock. Again this has proved a good move with both children already breeding winners.
Unlike many of the new strains of today, Frans Zwols built his strain on the principles of using key pillars and once these were in place just some select crosses on some occasions by joint breeding and then adding a proven racer from the cross into the stock shed as can be seen with Speed champ and Silver Girl (Silver Girl being the line that the Grizzle comes from.
Zwols Pigeons have continued using the same principles used by Frans since 1972, by pairing to keep the lines strong, adding proven winners back into the breeding loft along with children from the proven champions and then selecting them on a very strict policy (so only the very best make the grade) to keep the main bloodlines strong for years to come and as Frans always did, keeping our eyes out for an exceptional cross to add when the opportunity arises.
In addition to club, federation, combine, nationals and international results the Frans Zwols pigeons are now starting to make their appearance in the result of One Loft Races around the world. In 2024 the partnership have started focusing on entering top One Loft Races around the world and these pigeons are sure to set One Loft Racing on fire!
Our Frans Zwols Stock Pigeons

Details Coming Soon.

Details Coming Soon.

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